
The term compentancy refers to an underlining characteristic of a person that result in effective or superior performance. The Leading figure in defining and popularizing the concept of competancy was Boyatzis (1982). He Conducted the research that established that there was no single factor that differentiate   successful from less successful performance .these factors included personal qualities ,motives , experience ,and behavioral characteristics. Since his contribution ,three types of competancies  have been identified :behavioral compentancy,technical competencies and NVQs, SNVQs.

Identification of compentancy is critical at the time of recruitment,  Trilogy software US company based in Austin Texas had formulated a methodology which have been the secret behind their success(Harverd business review 2006 ; what it means to work hear  - Tamara J Ericsson and Linda Gratton.

New employees go through an exhausting three months immersion process ,a sort of organizational boot camp,,in which top management ,including the CEO ,oversees their every step .in the first month ,new recruits participate in fast paced creative project ,in teams of about 20,under the mentor ship of more experienced colleagues called section section leaders. In the second month the project teams are shuffled and split in to smaller ‘breakthrough teams “ charged with inventing product and service ideas,creating business models ,building prototypes ,and developing marketing plans -all in hyperaccelerated the third month ,the recruits have to demonstrate their capacity for personal initiative .some continue working on their breakthrough teams ;others find sponsors elsewhere in the company and work on their projects .upon completion of the program ,candidates undergo rigorous evaluation and receive detailed  feedback on their performance from colleagues,section leaders ,and senior management .the new hires are sent to different part of the organization ,but the bonds they develop during this extreme oriantiotion period remains strong throughout their careers.

Trilogy signature orientation experience serves as the company’s Primary R & D engine :Recruits’
Projects have produced more than 25 million direct revenues and have formed the basis for more than  $ 100 million in new business . The experience also serves as a providing ground for Trilogy’s next generation of leaders : the mentors and coaches who guide the members of the breakthrough teams as well as the new hires themselves .Most important,Trilogy’s orientation experience provides a compelleing illusatration of a life in the firm.A candidate who prefers a clear cut ,well defined work environment will almost certainly decline after hearing the details of the immersion process. But a candidate who likes intense challenges and can tolerate some ambiguity early on will probably jump right in.

‘ … using the notion of competency and the results of competency analysis to inform and improve the processes of performance management, recruitment and selection, learning and development, performance, employee development and employee reward’. 
(Armstrong, 2014, p.86) 


  1. Excellent so you took a theme and worked it round competency, In conclusion you should has mentions the importance of CBT for Strategic HRM. Slight change the reference to Journal article style the HBR reference thats another fantastic source. Congratulations

  2. very good.excellent.keep it up tharindu


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